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Colonialism and Its Aftermath
An interdisciplinary conference

June 23-25, 2004
University of Tasmania, Hobart


View photos from this conference here

Colonialism recast the world map, linking disparate geographies and diverse cultures under the aegis of European empires. If the sun never set on the British Empire, it has also never set on scholarly attempts to understand colonialism and its impact on the world. Colonial and postcolonial studies across a range of humanities and social sciences disciplines continue to analyse the complex cultural phenomena of colonialism, addressing issues in literary studies, geography, Asian studies, history, indigenous studies, art history, race studies, architecture, women's studies, cultural studies, and anthropology, amongst others. Much of the most interesting work in this field is interdisciplinary. The University of Tasmania's research cluster Colonialism and Its Aftermath invites proposals for papers from scholars interested in exploring the relationship between colonialism and its aftermath in innovative and interdisciplinary ways.

Conference chair: Dr Anna Johnston

Conference committee:

Dr Anna Johnston, School of English, Journalism, and European Languages, University of Tasmania
Dr Pam Allen, School of Asian Languages and Studies, University of Tasmania
Dr Mitchell Rolls, Riawunna, University of Tasmania

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