


Several members of Colonialism and its Aftermath have been fortunate enough to receive grants, and we congratulate them on their success. We have listed the most recent awards here.

• ARC Professorial Fellowships
Professor Henry Reynolds $539,000
Professor Cassandra Pybus $485,000

• ARC Linkage Grants

Chinese Imprint project, $100,000
Chief Investigators: Assoc Professor Mobo Gao and Professor Cassandra Pybus

The Companion to Tasmanian History, $109,000
Chief Investigator: Dr Stefan Petrow

"The Silent Buildings of Willow Court: Testing a new and innovative model for cultural heritage assessment", ARC Linkage Grant, 2003-2005, $86,000 Professor Lucy Frost and Dr Hamish Maxwell-Stewart


• ARC Discovery Grants

The World Arm to Arm, $50,000
Chief investigator: Professor Michael Bennett

"Female Convicts as Women Travellers", ARC Discovery Grant 2003-2005, $145,000, Professor Lucy Frost

2003-2005 ARC Grant "The 'Paper War': Missionary Textuality and Early Nineteenth-Century Australian Colonial Culture", $61,000, Dr Anna Johnston

2004-2006: "Antarctic Imaginations: A Study of Creative Responses to the 'Continent for Science'",$70,000.
Dr Elle Leane

2003, Transatlantic slavery, the African diaspora and the settlement of Australia. $190,000. Chief Investigators: Professor Cassandra Pybus and Dr Hamish Maxwell-Stewart

• ARC Large Grants

Penal Labour and Patriot Exile 1839-46, $104,000
Chief Investigators: Professor Cassandra Pybus and Dr Hamish Maxwell-Stewart

Narratives of Vanishing in Australia, $87,000
Chief Investigator: Professor Lucy Frost

• CRC in Sustainable Tourism

Supplementary Grant to ‘Skulduggery’ Project, $ 87,000
Chief investigator: Dr Hamish Maxwell-Stewart and Professor Lucy Frost

"Footsteps and Voices: interpretive materials for the Female Factory Site", 2004, Professor Lucy Frost

"Landscapes of the Imagination: Cultural Heritage Tourism in the Midlands of Tasmania", 2002-2004, $60,000, Professor Lucy Frost, Dr Hamish Maxwell-Stewart, Professor Trevor Sofield, Professor Henry Reynolds

• Tasmanian Bicentenary Grants

The Companion to Tasmanian History $15,000
Chief investigator: Dr Alison Alexander

"The Female Factory Muster", Tasmanian Bicentenary Grant, $6,435, 2004 Professor Lucy Frost