Winter Symposium 2006
Recovering Lives
Port Arthur Motor Inn
4 - 6 July 2006
The Winter Symposium featured two Pulitzer prize-winning historians of colonial America.
Rhys Issac
The Transformation of Virginia, Rhys Isaac's Pulitzer Prize-winning study of cultural change in colonial America,has become a landmark of cultural history since its publication twenty years ago. Its imaginative blend of history and anthropology has extended the book's influence into other disciplines. His most recent book, Landon Carter's Uneasy Kingdom: Revolution and Rebellion on a Virginia Plantation (2004), mines the remarkable diary of a Virginia planter patriarch to reconstruct Carter's interior world.
Laurel Ulrich
Laurel Ulrich's A Midwife's Tale (1990), also a Pulitzer Prize-winning history, conjures up the mental world of a 'recovered' life. Her latest book The Age of Homespun: Objects and Stories in the Creation of an American Myth, moves into the territory of material history. Taking as a starting point ordinary household goods saved during the colonial period in America, Ulrich teases out the history of the lives of those who made, used, and kept these artefacts of domesticity.
