CEH Honours Projects for 2008
Projects by Institution:
Archives Office of Tasmania
National Trust
Port Arthur Historic Site
State Library of Tasmania - Hobart
State Library of Tasmania - Launceston
Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (TMAG)
Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery (QVMAG)
Projects by School:
School of English, Journalism and European Languages (SEJEL)
School of History and Classics
School of Visual and Performing Arts
UTas Supervisors for 2008:
Pam Allen, Asian Languages and Studies
Victoria Burrows, English
Ralph Crane, English
Tom Dunning, History and Classics
Caroline Evans, History and Classics
Lisa Fletcher, English
Rose Gaby, English
Nicola Goc, Journalism, Media and Communications
Libby Lester, Journalism, Media and Communications
Deborah Malor, Visual and Performing Arts
Hamish Maxwell-Stewart, History and Classics
Philip Mead, English
Pam Sharpe, History and Classics
Mitchell Rolls, Riawunna
Rob White, Sociology and Social Worl
Danielle Wood, English

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For more information contact:
Dr. Victoria Burrows
