Lucy Frost
Professor of English, School of English & European Languages
& Literatures
Research Interests
- Narrating convict lives I am co-editing with Hamish
Maxwell-Stewart, Chain Letters: Narrating Convict Lives
for Melbourne University Press; and Narratives from the
Female Factories of Launceston and Hobart; and Narratives
of Hispanic and Lusophone convicts (with Sue Ballyn, University
of Barcelona)
- Editing the Journal of Annie Baxter Dawbin on the frontier
of Victoria and in Hobart Town, 1844-49 (with Jan Critchett)
Recent Publications include:
Journal of Annie Baxter Dawbin 1858-1868. St Lucia: University
of Queensland Press and the Australian Academy of the Humanities
in association with the State Library of New South Wales, 1998.
- No Place for a Nervous Lady: Voices from the Australian Bush.
Melbourne: McPhee Gribble, 1984. Reprinted 1984, 1985, 1989. Rev.
ed. St Lucia: Queensland University Press, 1995; edition in Classics
Series, 1999.
- "Untrodden Dresses, Loose Trowsers, and Trailing Skirts:
Walking through Colonial Space." Womens Writing
5:1 (1998): 201-212.
- "Terra Nullius and Australias
Vanishing Bodies." A Sense of Space. (SAVAL Conference
Papers) Johannesburg: University of the Witwatersrand, 1998. 163-170.
- "Barbara Baynton." The
Oxford Companion to Australian History. Ed. Graeme Davison,
John Hirst and Stuart Macintyre. Melbourne: Melbourne University
Press, 1998.
- "Narrative and the Construction
of Female Subjectivity." Commonwealth and American Womens
Discourses: Essays in Criticism. Ed. A. L. McLeod. New Delhi:
Sterling, 1996. 135-14
