Many of the researchers at Colonialism and Its Aftermath have either published texts or produced artworks that engage with the effects of imperialism upon existing people groups. For more information you may like to look at the list of publications/artworks accompanying each researcher's biography. This page will feature research, artwork, events and publications relating to the group. ARC Senior Research Fellow Henry Reynolds has published widedly in this area. Click on the book covers to read more about their work.
An exhibition of art work by Julie Gough was held at the Plimsoll Gallery, School of Art, University of Tasmania, Hobart, in February 2001. Julie is a researcher at Colonialism and its aftermath, an artist and a postgraduate student of the School of Arts, University of Tamania. She also works as an Interpretation Officer (Aboriginal Culture) for the Parks and Wildlife Service, Hobart. The exhibition will be part of Julie's PhD submission. Follow this link to see more of Julie's art works. (The work at the right of this page is taken from The whispering sands (Ebb Tide), 1998 series.) Julie will also be making two midlands Hwy works for the "10 Days on the Island Festival" which will be held from 28 March - 8th April. These works will be about the past seeping into the present, and about how we view things like ice, water, air, fire as commodities today. For more information see the Festival site.
J Jan Critchett is Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Arts, Deakin University and an Honorary Research Associate at the University of Tasmania.
Greg Lehman
is currently undertaking research toward a PhD at the Australian National
University which focuses on relationships between traditional and
contemporary indigenous mythologies, The first seminar for 2001 was held at the Colonial Homestead of Somercotes, with researchers presenting a range of papers. Follow this link to see titles of the papers given. For examples of the broad range of research currently being undertaken at Colonialism and Its Aftermath, see the biographies of each researcher. |