Colonialism and its aftermath has formed a number of Industry Partnerships. A complete list will be available shortly. There has been a long association with the Port Arthur Visitors' Centre (s ee below) and researchers are also establishing links with Island Produce who occupy part of The Female Factory in Hobart. As well as these links there are close associations between members of the research group and Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife and The Round Earth Theatre Company at Strahan.

A Pack of Thieves? 52 Port Arthur Lives
by Hamish Maxwell-Stewart & Sue Hood. This book was commissioned by the Port Arthur Historical Site as a guide for visitors. It is a companion piece to Tom Samek's brilliantly conceived deck of cards.

Tom Samek is a Hobart-based artist with a unique sense of humor. Tom was commissioned to design a set of tickets for the new exhibition gallery at the Port Arthur Historic Site, Tasman Peninsula, opened in March 1999. The tickets are based on a deck of cards, each of which depicts a scene from the life of a real Port Arthur convict. Visitors are dealt a card when they arrive at the historic site and encouraged to trace the fate of their prisoner.

Click on each of the cards to discover more about the Port Arthur Visitors' Centre as well as details about the convicts whose misdemeanours are depicted on the Ace of Diamonds and the Ace of Clubs. The complete deck of cards can be purchased at the Port Arthur Visitors' Centre along with the Visitors' Guide (illustrated above) which will be available in 2001. All artwork on this site is under copyright protection.



Island Produce occupies a site which formed the third yard of the Female Factory in South Hobart, Tasmania.

The First Yard, which lies adjacent to the third, was purchased by the Tasmanian Government in 1975 to mark the International Year of Women. The area now features a display detailing the history of The Cascades Female Factory.

Island Produce has aimed to increase public and scholarly recognition of the courage of the women who suffered cruelly in the hell that was The Female Factory.

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