NAME: Thomas Dickinson
TRADE: Brass founder
AGED: 31
A NATIVE OF: Aston near Birmingham, England
CONVICTED IN: April 1830 for stealing £130 from a warehouse
SENTENCED TO: Transportation for life
SENT TO PORT ARTHUR: For being found stowed away on the vessel Cheviot
with intent to escape the colony.
Thomas Dickinson was good at escaping. He had been sent to New South
Wales for life in 1821. He had not been long in Sydney before he ran
away. He stowed away on a ship called the Orpheus and got as
far as Batavia in the East Indies. From there he made his way back
to England. As someone who had escaped from Australia, Dickinson was
held in awe. Because other prisoners looked up to him, the Commandant
at Port Arthur decided to make Dickinson a constable.