Key researchers E-Go:

Lucy Frost

Professor of English, School of English & European Languages & Literatures

(See separate page.)

Mobo Gao

Senior Lecturer in Chinese Studies, School of Asian Languages and Studies
Research Interests
I am particularly interested in the history and development of the Chinese community in Tasmania, from early on when the first Chinese came as skilled migrants as carpenters, then tin miners, then gardeners until the present. I have published extensively on the Chinese Cultural Revolution, Chinese rural studies, Chinese grammar and Chinese students in Australia.


Recent Publications include:

  • Gao Village: Rural Life in Modern China. London: C. Hurst & Co; Hawaii: Hawaii University Press; Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press; Bathurst: Crawford House Publishers, 1999.
  • "Influence of Native Culture and Language on Intercultural Communication: The Case of PRC Student Immigrants in Australia." Anthropological Linguistics. Ed. Jens Allwood. Boteborg: Boteborg University, forthcoming.
  • "Cong yi ge jiduan dao ling yi ge jiduan: shifou gai pianzheng yidianr?" [From One Extreme to Another: Is It Time to Adjust the Swing of the Pendulum?] Red Revolution and Black Rebellion. Ed. Yang Jianli. Twenty-First Century Book Series Foundation for China in the 21st Century, 1997.
  • "Wenhua dageming ji shilun fangfa: ping huiyilu," (The Chinese Cultural Revolution and Historiography: On Memoirs), The Hong Kong Journal of Social Sciences, No. 16, Spring, 2000, pp. 151-166.
  • "Influence of Native Culture and Language on Intercultural Communication: the Case of PRC Student Immigrants in Australia," in Jens Allwood, ed., Intercultural Communication, Boteborg: Boteborg University, Sweden, No. 4, (June) 2000.
  • "China in Transition: Issues and Debates," Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars (USA), Vol. 32, No. 3, (July-September 2000), pp. 53-57.
  • Julie Gough

    Artist, Postgraduate Student, School of Arts. & Interpretation Officer (Aboriginal Culture) Parks & Wildlife Service, Hobart
    Research Interests
    I am currently completing my PhD, entitled "Transforming Histories: The Visual Disclosure of Contentious Pasts", which investigates new ways to apprehend and visually reconfigure aspects of concealed or disputed pasts. The intention of this body of work is to enable a viewer to experience obscured or nearly forgotten narratives - narratives of memory, time, absence, location and representation. The works utilise found and constructed objects and techniques from the visual arts, the museum, the library, the shop, the garden. See also an online feature by Julie Gough: Artworks and Stories.
    Recent Publications include

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